Did you know, over 50% of Australians don’t have a will? If you die without a will, your assets are taken by the state and distributed as they see fit. Today we’re explaining why you need a Will, Power of Attorney and Advanced Care Directive.

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Show Notes
Today we’re talking about what are arguably the most important documents in your life.
In episode 10 I shared with you my 5 pillars of personal finance. Pillar number 5 is Inheritance and decision making. I recommend you have a listen to that episode if you haven’t already.
Today my guest is Tim Donlan. Tim is a lawyer who specialises in wills, trusts, business succession and estate planning.
I met Tim when we engaged him to create our first will in 2013. We had just returned from my fellowship, were married but didn’t have any children. Our only assets were our home and cars. Tim walked us through the plans we had for ourselves and future children.
Then in 2017 after having 2 beautiful kids we revisited and updated our wills and other important documents.
Today Tim shares with us some of the things doctors need to consider when preparing life and death’s most important documents.
Wills (2.28)
Testamentary Trusts (11:39)
Powers Of Attorney (25:43)
Advanced Care Directives (32.23)
Today’s Guest
Tim Donlan, LLB
Contact Tim
Donlan Lawyers