Whether your side hustle is an income stream or a creative outlet, the opportunities are endless.

Take a look at this list and see what excites you:


Creating a blog is so easy these days with free and cheap website creation services liek Squarespace and Wix. If you’re passionate about something whether its child safety, pilates or vintage motorbikes, you can be sure that there are people across the globe who share your interest. Income options can come from selling products, promoting your offline business, banner advertising, Google ads, affiliate programs and sponsored posts.


With just a microphone and your thoughts you can echo in earbuds across the globe. Host and distribute your files on hosts like Podbean and Libsyn for as little as $5 a month. Generate revenue by driving traffic to your offline business, affiliate sales and sponsored podcasts.

Teach an Online Course

Services like Udemy allow anyone to create an online course using just a webcam and mic. You get paid per student and it’s so simple to do. They will market your course to their extensive database of users. You can checkout my LinkedIn for Doctors course to learn how to create an All Star profile in just 60 minutes.

Medical Writing

Combine your technical knowledge and writing prowess to create content for websites, health-related magazines, news articles, protocols, manuscripts, summary papers and systematic reviews.


Leverage technology to consult in a virtual clinic. Available to a large range of specialties, many of these jobs pay well into the 6 figures for part-time work.


Companies like Nomad Health have made finding short term clinical contracts quick and easy.

Direct Sales

Also called network marketing and multi-level marketing, many doctors have found success with companies like Rodan+Fields, Arbonne and DoTERRA,  They offer scalability, residual income and flexibility but beware- they are not for everyone.

App Creation

Have an idea for an app that you’ve been wanting to create? Free tools like Appy Pie allow you to launch your app for free. Of course it will cost you a bit more to get all the bells and whistles by why not give it a go.

Angel Investing

If you’ve got some extra money to try catch the next unicorn then sites Angel List and Seed Invest allow you to start with as little as $500.

Real Estate

We’re lucky that as doctors banks are often very generous is giving us a leveraged leg up on investments. We all know about traditional residential, commercial and industrial leasing but modern real estate options include Airbnb rentals, co-ownership, crowd-funded purchases, development and REITs.

Peer to Peer Lending

Lending money to people and businesses that need cash can get you better returns than putting your money in the bank. Using online platforms like Upstart and Lending Club you can vet borrowers and even set your rates of return.

Medical Product Development

Take your idea, create a prototype and then take it to market. It’s a bit more complicated than that but many doctors are making a nice income from device sales and design royalties.

Expert Witness

If you love the adrenaline rush of answering questions under fire then you could contemplate becoming an expert witness. Medical negligence, personal injury, hospital negligence and worker’s compensation cases often need a doctor to give their opinions. A day’s work commonly pays thousands if you can fit it into your schedule.

Public Speaking

Share your insights and experience to inspire from the podium. Checkout TEDMED to see other doctors in action.


These days we have a buffet of tradable instruments- stocks, bonds, forex, treasuries, commodities, cryptocurrency- most of them accessible from our smartphone. If you have the guts to ride the emotional rollercoaster, this could be your thing.


Preparing medical students, trainees or board exam candidates is an easy way to make some extra money while ensuring your knowledge stays up to date.

Medical Surveys

If you can spend a few minutes here and there sites like MedSurvey and Physicians Round Table will pay you for your opinions and insights.

Got some other income generating ideas? Shoot me an email and I’ll add it to the list.

‘Til next time.

Live Life. Laugh Lots. Be Epic….. and leave a comment below


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